ResearchCell-type-specific roles of inhibitory interneurons in the rehabilitation of auditory cortex after peripheral damage
ResearchCochlear nucleus small cells use olivocochlear collaterals to encode sounds in noise [Preprint] [Susan Shore]
ResearchActivity of CaMKIIa+ dorsal cochlear nucleus neurons are crucial for tinnitus perception but not for tinnitus induction [Preprint]
ResearchTowards personalized rTMS in tinnitus: reliability of individualized stimulation protocols in behavioral and electrophysiological responses [Preprint]
ResearchTinnitus-like “hallucinations” elicited by sensory deprivation in an entropy maximization recurrent neural network [Preprint]
ResearchNeurophysiological correlates of residual inhibition in tinnitus: Hints for trait-like EEG power spectra
ResearchHigh Definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (HD-tDCS) for chronic tinnitus: outcomes from a prospective longitudinal large cohort study [Preprint]
ResearchUsing cortical neuron markers to target cells in the dorsal cochlear nucleus: novel tools for studying tinnitus mechanisms [Preprint]
ResearchNeuroanatomical Alterations in Patients With Tinnitus Before and After Sound Therapy: A Combined VBM and SCN Study [Preprint]
ResearchLoud noise exposure differentially affects subpopulations of auditory cortex pyramidal cells [Preprint]
ResearchSusceptibility to Residual Inhibition is Associated with Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Chronicity [Preprint]