Otonomy’s recently announced OTO-313 clinical trial was posted to ClinicalTrials.gov on April 2 and will enroll an estimated 140 participants.
Here is a link to the official study record (NCT03918109): A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase 2 Study of OTO-313 Given as a Single Intratympanic Injection in Subjects With Unilateral Subjective Tinnitus
Status: Recruiting
April 11 Update: As we predicted, the OTO-313 study has now expanded its study locations and is currently recruiting in seven states: California, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Utah. (We expected all these locations, with the one surprise being South Carolina.)
The new OTO-313 study is currently recruiting in two locations: Florida and North Carolina.
However, we expect to see more recruitment sites added across the United States in the coming weeks.
Here are some likely states the trial will expand to (based on the previous OTO-313 study locations): California, Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia.
International expansion?
It is unknown whether this phase of the trial will expand to other countries.
More updates to follow…
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